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Showing posts from 2018

For those who want to know why Iran's nuclear deal was "bad"

It wasn't. Iran’s nuclear deal basically means that Iran accepted strict limits on its nuclear program in return for elimination of the sanctions that have been building up for a decade before the deal. Iran unplugged two-thirds of its centrifuges, shipped out 98% of its enriched uranium and filled its plutonium production reactor with concrete. They accepted extensive monitoring by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). IAEA has verified 10 times since the agreement that Iran has complied with its terms, so all nuclear-related sanctions were lifted in January 2016. Iran nuclear deal was working fine. But, you could make an argument that Iran deal was bad for two entities. 1. Unites States weapons manufacturers who depend on warfare to make profit + all those who rely on the cash flow from weapons manufacturers when it comes to their re-election campaign funds, like U.S. Congressman Mac Thornberry and U.S. Congressman Rob Wittman, among many others. In 2018 so far,

The Four Horseman of The Apocalypse

Famine - Fake news. Inflated numbers. Mass shootings are Government conspiracies. Nothing 'they' tell you is true. It’s all a ploy to take away our guns. Pestilence - Mental illness is the real problem. Anyone who commits gun violence must be sick in the head. If you take away guns, they’ll just make pipe bombs. War - We need to arm school teachers, school nurses and janitors. The answer is more guns. Everybody gets a gun. Reign hell fire! Death - First point: Second Amendment. I don’t need a second point.


....  being described as evidence of an alternative to capitalism, to prosperity, to freedom, to abundance, to wealth, to influence, to education, to healthcare and, above all, to the availability of food, is the biggest load of horseshit I've ever heard. Capitalism, where the richest 1% hold about 47% of all privately held wealth in the United States, while the bottom 90% hold 73% of all debt. Prosperity where 15 million children in the United States, 21% of all childre n, live in families with incomes below the federal poverty threshold, a measurement that has been severely underestimating the needs of families for decades. Freedom in the U.S., where more black men are in prison today than were enslaved before the Civil War. A bundance in the U.S., where food waste is estimated at between 30-40% of the food supply and more than 45 million people, or 14.5% of all Americans, live below the poverty line. Wealth in the U.S., that only belongs to the rich corporations a

Guess what? It's not the bullying

Let’s settle this bullying and school shooting argument once and for all: From 1997 to today,  Austria  has 3 mass shootings, none of them school shootings, resulting in combined death toll of 11 people.  21% of boys in Austria report being bullied in school. Estonia  had one unconfirmed school shooting in the same time period, resulting in a death of a teacher and no other injuries.  20% of boys in Estonia report being bullied in school. Russia  has had 8 mass shootings since 1997, one of them a school shooting. Total deaths from mass shootings? 47, of which 2 deaths were the result of the school shooting.  18% of boys in Russia report being bullied in school.   Belgium  has had one mass shooting since 1997, resulting in 6 deaths (although it’s fair to point out that the same shooting resulted in 125 injured). No school shootings.  17% of boys in Belgium report being bullied in school. Portugal  reports one single school shooting since 1997, involving two adults, of which one di

Beware of Uneducated Masses

An independent study conducted by the bipartisan policy group Alliance for Community Organizations seeking Reform Now determined that just over 59% of voters who supported Donald Trump suffer from moderate to severe illiteracy. Approximately 32 million adults in America are considered to be illiterate, and about 14% of the entire adult population can’t read. Pew Research Center did a survey back in 2009 that showed only 52% of Americans knew why stem cells differ from other kinds of cells, and just 46% knew that atoms are larger than electrons. A poll released by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania found that only 36% of Americans could name all three branches of the government and 35% couldn’t name any of them. Political scientists have documented that roughly half of all U.S. citizens don’t know that each state has two senators, and that only a quarter realize that senators serve six-year terms. When the Program for the International Assessment of Ad


Don’t give me that “law of the land” shit when it comes to Dreamers. The laws of the land were meant to evolve. I know that this can be hard for people who haven’t actually evolved themselves to understand, but the law of the land also used to say that women weren’t allowed to vote and that black people were three fifths of a white person. That gay people suffered from a mental illness and needed to be locked up. Laws change every day, as we should all be very well aware of, considering that Trump walked back the law which required government contracted employers to disclose labor law violations, including wage theft, unsafe working conditions and hiring discrimination. I will bet you money that particular “law of the land” slipped right past you. I will also bet you money that when 𝘺𝘰𝘢𝘳 𝘒𝘯𝘀𝘦𝘴𝘡𝘰𝘳𝘴 came to United States, they let in any fucking riff-raff that washed up on the shore. Trump’s brothel-owning grandfather is a nice example. These days, you have to wait a year